Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Podcast 145: Vulcanized Chubber

Talk about Star Trek only slightly put us off course from our Star Wars and Daredevil talk. Only two eps this time, but both were pretty big. The title of this one has been banked for five podcasts, but we just needed the perfect Pon Farr situation to come up. Can't just throw around a perfect and gross title all willy-nilly (tee hee! willy.).

Oh, and hey there's always the season wrap up. Season 2 to be precise. Listen as we attempt to remember what two dozen Enterprise episodes were about! Who knew Trip's sister played such a big role!

Podcast breakdown:

0:00 -- nuqneH
1:00 -- New Star Wars trailer
37:31 -- JRWSTFTFT March Madness update
38:52 -- "Bounty"
56:06 -- "The Expanse"
1.14:42 -- Podcast awards and rankings
1.23:47 -- Season awards and rankings
1.47:10 -- Plans for Audrey
1.55:42 -- A buncha TV and a video game
2.19:44 -- Qapla' and outtakes
*2.11:36 -- Audrey Hepburn movies for the future
*2.14:36 -- Other random stuff
*2.18:42 -- Next episode predictions
*2.25:25 -- Qapla' and outtakes

Remember next podcast is the Audrey Hepburn special!

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This episode is dedicated in loving memory to Anita Ekberg (1931-2015).

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